Fifth States of matter :BEC- A Recent Revelation

This article describes a different approach that contains a fusion of various states of matter (mainly fourth and fifth important states) with the highlights of a recent revelation of NASA researchers on the fifth extra-ordinary state and it's future aspects towards Universe.

Bose-Einstein Condensate (Representational )

Matter is a substance or a stuff which any physical object formed or composed of. This is something the whole Universe is made up of. State of matter is a particular state, a condition or any distinct form in which a matter can exist. 

Commonly we know the three common states i.e solid, liquid and gaseous state in which matter exists normally. The next is a fourth fundamental state in which a certain portion of the particle is ionised called as plasma. It is a quasi-neutral ionized gas consisting of positive and negative charged particles which is a common state of matter exist in the entire universe.

Plasma in Univerese:-

Over 99% of matter in the universe is belived to be plasma. Plasma takes very high temperature to break the bonds of atoms. So, It is very hot and found in most of the stars including sun. The ionosphere of Earth containsplasma.

“99.99% of the universe is made up of plasma. Very little material in space is made of rock like the Earth.” – said by a plasma physicist Dr. Dennis Gallagher at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.

Plasma researchers report that plasmas are present in the whole solar system and in outer space i.e in the solar wind, solar corona, interstellar materials, intergalactic medias, accretion disks, black holes, magnetosphere of Earth, tails of comets and even in other stars and planets.

Most important constituent of Universe i.e Plasma present in different astrnomical objects: (View plasma representational)

There is an another mysterious state exist called Bose-Einstein condensate state which was predicted a century ago but researchers couldn’t be able to prove it’s existence. Recently scientists reveal the presence of the fifth state and they found some exiciting facts on this which could help to find a way towards quantum computing, communications, quantum gravity and to solve quantum universe conundrums.

BEC- Fifth state of matter:-

When gas molecules come close together and form liquid, there occurs a loss of energy which is called as condensation. BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate) is that form of matter in which boson gas at low densities is required to cool at absolute zero temperature. In this state, atoms never behave individually rather they clump together behaving as a one big super atom. The name of boson was given by the name of Indian mathematician S N Bose. In 1920s S N Bose Albert Einstein together was predicted about the existence of BECs but there were no proved result of this state at that time.

Team of NASA scientists observed the experimental result of BECs aboard the International Space Station for the first time. Actual experiment was started by the Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) of NASA in ISS in 2018. But this was the first time they achieved the Fifth state of matter in the lower Earth orbit.

Watch below a video provided by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory highlighted their workings and advantages of creating the state of matter in space:)

The US Space Agency said,"Experiment with this fifth state of matter could lead the deeper insight into how world works on Fundamental level. For example scientists will be able to measure the very faint tug of gravity that is still present aboard the station." Studies of Bose-Einstein Condensate aboard the station could also lead to new technologies, like better tools for navigation and more precise clocks," NASA added

On Earth laboratories, the BECs can maintain only for some milliseconds but the experiment aboard the ISS has created Bose-Einstein Condensate that persisted for more than a second. Presence of microgravity in ISS helped in persuing the experiment.

Future Aspects of BECs:-

The state is very dynamic which can be used in many important aspects in the field of quantum research also opens up many ideas related research on dark matter, dark energy and other phenomena of Universe. 

Universe contain dark matters which contain Bosons of mass of about 1ev or less has a critical temperature exceeding of the Universe at all times, hence would have formed BECs at very early epochs.

We also show that wave function of this condensate, via the quantum potential it produces, give rise to a cosmological constant that may account for the correct dark energy content of our Universe.We argue that massive gravitons or axions are viable things for these constituents. This condensate is all that remains of our Universe in the far future. 

This condensate is an exotic ultracold gas studied in space which could used to build quantum sensors that probe may lead to identify the property of Universe with extreme precision.

Refer the following video to know everything about BECs described by NASA Researchers:)


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